RailRadar system tracks over 1000 trains every day in real-time; provides info about arrivals and departures.
RailRaDaR-TechgOkz |
Google has been bettering their Maps product steadily since 2005. After recently unleashing transit lines and live traffic layers for India, the folks at Indian Railways want to help you keep a track on trains using Google's mapping service. A new feature called RailRadar lets you locate the exact position of passenger trains, in real-time, on a Google Map.
The map marks trains running on time in blue, and delayed trains in red. You click on a train name to get its complete route and stops in real-time. To know where a train is right now, you just enter its name or its number — using the search feature docked to the left. Once you've located a train, you can keep a tab on its current schedule, including the next two stations it will arrive at — alongside the time of arrival and the last two stations it departed from. There are over a thousand trains operating every day, and 6500 are being tracked online at any time.
URL- http://railradar.trainenquiry.com/
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